*Amy, Ally & Sheniece .. My Absolute BEST friends

AbOuT mOi


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FoR cOuRt ..

PiCs Of MeE

SoMe PoEmS

My Best Friends.. Ame n Ally *

This is For.. *Amy Facey , *Allison Crouse And *Sheniece Morgan.. my best friends for lyfe!

A m y - --×

Look at my beautiful best friend.. aha!*


*Amy Marie Facey
Hhahahah! OK...where to Start! haha Me..Fiona..You..shrek! lol those were the good old 7 grade days! haha Mr.Christie and ENGLISH...dum dum dum dum..lol! remember when i told him off! omg and i almost couldnt go to the dance! stupid mofo! lol..remember " shook " and how in love i was with Brandon..oh dam! lol and then you come to my house whne yer house was bein buillt..and there we are..watchin much music..and i didnt know what song it was..and u go.." oh its..UNcharted!  HAHAHAHAH that was a classic!..haha and then i gave u a dead leg and u still like owe me ...two! haha omg.and the group little competiton of POPKERN WERS! haha! omg fun times! HAHA R.I.P super biker! lol me u n kila went to the mall...lol sugar bum fun! haaha smells like a firetruck eh Kila? lol...omg and..flocons de neige..hahaha stupid but soo funny! lol..remember when i was makin my good ol home videos...lol "yummy webcamm.." HAHHAHAHA that was soo great.. lol remember the pic we took..you were like ;O hahah i can't reall explain it.. and i dont wanna put it on here.. might kill some ppl..lol jk! BUTT CRAMPS.. and "please tell me im on candid camerA! haha oh man.. that was good day on the buss..THE COMB! in front of the gallery.. Sears..Grindin the old CHINESE man! ewwwwW! lol GUYS I WANNA SING IN FRONT OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE!   Bootlegger : What are you guys doing? well were from newfoundland and were taking picturess to send up there!  Pics of the mall? HAHAH.. lol.. Amy  n Josh = Love (aww) Ally n Pelv = SEX  jess n Tim = BABIES WITH GLASSES! hahaha im gunna cook his meat on a frying pan! WHAT MEAT!! hahahahahahahaha! its only 5 and a half incheS!? my hand is bigger then that! lol! teehee! haha squeeze his ass and i buy u a pizza thursday! lol beef jerky and backstreet boys what a snow day! haha my glass cup hot sub reflex action! hahah this is how u work the excercise ball.. *FLIPP* yea, i like the little confused/questioning face too!! lol "why ya liein?" haha did you liek that amy? lol hahaha omg! I love you tons and tons and...lol jk! but yeah ! xxooxx *bf4l!*


*Allison Elyce Crouse
OMG! we have more then life itself! we were together in grade like..primary...and me and Laura would fight over you!! omg   we were soo childish! but that was when were " childs " lol..omg..u were thereand u had to suffer me being in love with Shook...lol aka. Brandon! omg and then we finally got together and u and Lee got together on the same day! and then we had a sleepover and we wrote it on my bunkbeds!...i still have it..i found them the other day!i was like..omg! lol  remember...camel toes! omg ally i have camel toes!  hahaha!! Oh yes and Ally Im glad! * tear tear * lol..and remember a while ago...when i got to school and started like..chokin on the " furrball " hahah! me makin out with my kitty was wat that was from!! lol! omg and robyn belived me when i said that! hehehehe MY CELLULITE ASS!! ewww!! Condom hat..remember alwasy wear a hat to pretect yer head from diseases!  hahahaha..Can i get a refund? HAHAH! the mall.. and the naddy look alike.. Nolas sittin there with a camera tryin to take a pic of her.. lol she was probly like.. stalker stalker.. hahah me tryin dresses on in le chateau.. that was awesome.. lol then i threw the chicken at robyn.. EAT MY CHICKEN! haha then the cute little girl who ya said hi to and she turned and ran into the chair.. AHAHAHA.. I clogged the toilet ally!! hahah that was soo funny.. robyn was like... "um?" the little manikan in la senza that we were takin pics with.. haha everyone in the store was like.. "what are they doing?" haha the pics we took that day... was soo funny..hot old man.. 12 o'clock! haha the  shopping angels! yaaayyy.. deer and a headlight! lol.. and then what Robyn said to me.. i know y u think that one is sexy.. and then the name on it.. we wont say WHAT name but.. lol..BUTT CRAMPS!! owch they really did hurt lol... "please tell me im on candid camera!" haha oh shit! that wud b so funny if that did really happen lol.. me u n amy.. tellin stories.. "OK LAUGH!" haha then i laughed really looud.. oh frig! that was an amamzaing friggin bus ride.. lol me you and amy in sears, listenin to "james dean" lol I WANNA KNOW IF YOUR DOIN .. ME TONIGHT!! hahah then the friggin old man that i accidentally bumped into "hey watcha where your goin!!" lol.. Amy n Josh = Love   Ally n Pelv = Sex  Me n Tim = BABIES WITH GLASSES!! hahahahaaha!  Timothy DOODLE! lol i now pornounce u .. doodle and doodle! lol.. SO WHAT ! you slept in the same bed! its like saying.. i sat on the same couch as Paul.. WAYNE GRETZKY! hahahah that was priceless!  *hump hump* brings back memories.. says amy.." WHAT FILL US IN! you forgot a story amy!" lol! we are the biggest nerds in the world.. us and our christmas songs.. and me runnin around in "GRAN-BAGS" and guess what! When i was born.. MY MOMMY SHIT ON ME! hahahahahah that was so funny! a ten pound ball of shit eh! haha.. POOBALL ON A CATAPAULT!.. yes.. were L4L just cause we are shooooort! so what its beetter then being a beanstalk loser! hahahhaa HEYYYY YAAAAA.. we 're in a chuuuurch chior.. ahaha WE NOW KNOW THAT THEY GREW UP IN CHURCH! hahaha were LOOOOSERS!  BULL BABIEESSS! im not gunna say who HAD those babies.. hahahah eXACTUALLY! lol.. GET A DICTIONARY TERD! lol Jk.. remember! WE'RE INDEPENDANT WOMEN! haha PACK SOME RACK ALLLYYY!!!! omg! i love you!! xxooxx *bf4l* *L4L*

i don't know what to putt here so .. pooey



Halifax Hawks Website*


Haha i absolulty love this pic! isnt she pretty!

sheniece.. lookin at herself in my mirror .. aha!*

*Sheniece Moooorgan

HAHA! i thought me amy and ally had at least a million! lol we have been friends .. i mean BEST friends since we were like.. babies! haha i remember that one time.. when we first met (yes i have a good memory) and your mommy took us to the little shop and you wanted to buy this little purse but u didn't have enuf money so i went and bought it! HAAH cruel.. haha remember..*pfffff* i think he sprayed! HAHA honk honk! lol listen sheniece.. it sounds like a barge! haha.. GET YOUR GREASY HEAD OUTTA MY WEBCAM! hahaha oh man.. EW ssomeone needs to pluck! lol.. blur! yummmyyy.. hahah! your shorts.. haha "i woke up and they were like.. STUCK to me!" hahah oh no! lol.. eww jess look what u did u spilled the noodles and now our bed is all crumbly..! ahah crumbly its CRUMBY hahah.. remember.."what would you do if i was a tomato?" ... "well i think i would make you into tomato juice! or maybe i would throw you at some BADD singer!" lol noooo! hahah remember when we came up to my house the day of my moms b-day party cause we seen glowing eyes... HAHA .. lol and marr came in with a scarf around her neck,, LOADED.."I NEED A SCARF!"  .. "marr, your wearing a scarf!" .. "OH! I NEED A COAT!" aha and then we didn't see the coat for like an hour.. lol.. me squeezing bath soap into matts eye.."heres your facecloth.. HERE IT IS HOLD IT!" .. "no you squirted me.. your gunna clean it out!!" HAHA .. lol all the mean things we do to chelsey.. "Shenieeecceee... can I sleep on your floor?"  "NO! SLEEP IN YOUR ROOM!!!" haha  lol her pullin me with the blind-adjuster-thingy.. haha.. "SHENIECE!! HELP MEEEE" lol... remember this.."I caught you.. RED HANDED!!" .. "No.. FIVE FINGERS!!" ahahah.. karate-chop the chocolate coin like this.."WIYAA" haha .. hmm i wonder what this email could be.. oh no sheniece you look first.. *scrolll scrolll* .. WE-AHHHH!!! hahah.. dancin on the floor.. my mom comes up .."what are you doing?"... "dancing"... "ON THE FLOOR?" hahah remember me with the chips explaingin one of my friends to you.. stuffin my face with chips! hahha!  Nikyra and her teeth.. lol.. that was sooo funny.. lol.. when we were walkin home that time and u brought out an orange and we put the slices in our mouths.. and then these guys on 4-wheelers drive by and u give this big ass orange smile to them! HAH! remember.."hug me if u let go.. u loseR!" hahaha ooopppss! haha he has the nicest stomach ever, Sheniece! omg really? can u grate cheese on it? HAHAHA  lol when u went to clean the litter box and u picked up miko and he started shittin everywhere! haha .. that night and u thought miko was under your bed and u reached in to touch him and your like.."AHH ITS NOT MIKO.. its a duck!" lol the MOKASINS! "yea , i g2g now" hahah that was pricelessS! we have so many memories.. from when we were young that i can't even think of.. haha but your my BESTEST friend forever and always and i love you lots and lots!!  MUAH* Bffaatddup*

*Jessica + *Amy + * Allison = Best Friends For Lyfe!* :o)