Hehe.. Yes you heard right.. its my beautiful cousin who i adore more then diamonds and guys! hehe and thats a lot man! we always have the best times together! for Examplee:
-Yea i remember.. Uncle wade breaking in and torturing.. or shall we say tickling us almost to death!! aha
-Uhh, was it supposed to be that runny?
-Eatin allll that ice cream and cake at like what,, 2 in the morning.. haha the night we got my new computer
-Speaking of new computer... we got the webcam that day and we took atleast a million pics with it!!
-I don't undertsand why those guys were staring at my feet that day in the mall either!,, WEIRDOS!
-OH MY GOD! my baby cousin finally has tats!
-you'll have a nice life with.. That..*ahem*
-That was so fun .. checkers on the island.. and the frisbee.. yes we couldn't get it to work right cause i can't catch.. so what!
- I'm Chillain with the main cacksain! haha your damn messed keyboard!
-my clayman and his kidney stone! haha I NEED TO OPERATE! hahah
-Meistro.. play that large organ at 4 in the morning one more time! haha
-Hand-line fishin.. was that an otter? tuna? dolphin!?:| hahah we'll never know!
-my disturbed kitty video with the webcam! HAHA .. that 2 weeks together had to be the funnest 2 weeks of my life!!
*And now some pics of my beautiful cousin!:*