My Fr-a-nds!*

AbOuT mOi


pIcTuReS .. 2

PiCtUrEs .. 3

pIcTuReS .. 4

PiCtUreS .. 5






FoR cOuRt ..

PiCs Of MeE

SoMe PoEmS

My Friends.. Some Of The Best!

Just wanna tell ALL of you's that i love you all SOOOO much and that i would be sooo miserable without you.. you dont even know.. thanks for being there....

Friends and Some Insiders/Shouts*

Ally Crouse* Wrote ya yer own Page!

Amy Facey* same with you.. already wrote it... blah blah.. love you.. bff*

Kayla Coolen* my little cousin... aww u hypnotizing me.. thats soo much fun.. lol.. i love ya lots and lots hunny!! xoxo

Akila Whiley* Oh friggin gawd... where to begin.. scrimage! lol the rink me u and Sar.. that was one of the most bestest days of my life.. lol.. all those mall mems.. sugar bum fun, smells like a firetruck and flocons de neige.. oh man Kilz.. we have tons.. love you gurl.. Lylas!*

Krystal,Dal n Hailey* Made ya a page.. so ya know.. you can look @ shure u already did tho.. lol..!! love you all!

Court Cameron* My awesome cousin.. MY KIDNEY STONE! where did the little claymans kidney stone go!?!those were the best 2 weeks of my summer..chillain with the main cacksain.. ahah do u remember? cause i do! your keyboard wudnt work.. lol.. i love ya so much court!! muah*

Candice Crosby* CANDICE IS EATING CHOCOLATE..AND JESS IS EATING FUZZY PEACHES!! yummmmm... lol.. my last name completes your family.. hahaha...  your a  nutzo, im a nutzo.. WERE ALLLLL nutzo's!! haha! lov ya lots already! tty hunni!*muah*

Kim Devitt* where to start! i saw it last night..*CRACK* hahaha!! holy mother that was huge!! and then we were running down the hall and you go " i feel like charlies angels!!" and the second u finished we fell and toppled everywhere! haha polutia and charso! you know what they mean..  no need to explain..then.."oh man jess.. its rainin =S" hahah!! PANCAKE! do they make bandaids for yer ass? CAUSE IF THEY DO I NEED ONE! ahhaha makin our charlies angels at Megans..Fart marks.. me u and sarah and leanne on the trampoline.. and the gossip room.. sooo many mems.. I WANNA MARRY U PANCAKE! (Patty) Lol but im already married! WHAT WILL THE CHILDREN THINK?!!?! LOL! i think thats what happened anyways! can i talk to you for a BREIF moment! HAHA! i never knew! lol..instead of woooolll.. lol that was sooo funny.. haha remember the toblerone bar..r..OB! hahaha .. KIM IS PREGGOO! hahaha  lol! Lovs ya lots gurl.. bff*

Sar Rudden,Leanne LeBlanc n Meg Binnie* I have TONS with u sar.. lol i have tons with all ya's.. megan fallin off that frickin coach " what is your favorite kind of chip? " HAHAHA omg megan that was priceless! tourtelle.. hahaha oh man MAKIN COOKIES! mine were actually yummy.. and the nanemanie shit.. (i dont know how to say it ok?) lol! THE GOSSIP ROOM! oh man.. i love that room.. my comfy coach! lol.. oh man.. lol but i love ya alll soo much! Bff*

Kay Greenough* My dream.. omg omg that was the funniest dream OF MY LIFE!! lol.. he was on my lawn! like how gay is that! smooth... LIKE PEANUT BUTTER! cause im a smooth PB-girl.. oh friggin gawd.. i love you lots and lots.. tty sweety! Ff*

Amy Johnson* THE RING! haha that was the funniest pic of my life!! lol.. mountains.. and all those other pics.. which we wont mention.. lol.. MMHMMMM! hahah that was a great moment! we have sooo many.. me teachin you french.. lol from when we were bestest friends.. DO U REMEMBER when i had a shower and Adam walked in..HOLY MUTHER OF POOP! seen me naked boday! lol.. then u go and burn my head with the iron... hahahaha fun fun.. miss you gurl..come up one of these weekends! love you..*muah*

Andrea Spears* 3 years of being best friends.. we have like a million... ccc,the fairies!,the boat "ihearyasureyado!",Spongebob and Patrick, omg.. umm.. me fallin on the gaurdrail.. haha goin swimmin in our clothes, COKA COLA BOTTLE! haha sadface chearlader woman?? i dont even remember what their called! haha ROCK ON LOSERS! hey LISER! lol..BUBBELERRR! ahaha magic mountain..that whole thing is a giant memory! lol remeber that night with Kila and Ky.. and u called that answering machine and were like.."samantha.. call me ok? ok? you got it? ok? HA! we have so many and i cant even think.. lol..oh man.. lovs ya gurl...xox

Kate Hill* Kate,Kate Kate..  your SUCH a sweetheart.. lol except when u were like.. WHEN JESS FLIES!..erg.. lol jk.. OMG OMG do u remember you were tellin me the story about u walkin out in a towel and Dominic was there.. oh man.. its like KEEP YER TOWEL ON! lol..can we please talk for a BREIF moment! hahaha that was love ya hun!*muah*


Ally^^* Some More Friends

Brandon Smith* Oh frig.. the movies.. hahah that was sooo funny...matt.. enough said..*waaaa* y ya cryin? *IM CHOKIN* cough cough.. hahahaha oh man.. we went out for like.. a month? haha we have some good times..haha when i tried to throw my sandwich container in my locker and it bounched out and hit me in the head..  omg how embarassing!! "BRANDON .. JESSICA!" lol lovs ya hunni!!*muah*

Brody Halliday* I love you baby.. haha that was great.. you were so hyper that night.. lol.. lov ya bud*

Matt Harding* Hey Big Boy! lol.. say nothing about the trailer.. lol.. haha the night in the court.. IS THAT IT!?!? hahahahah that was priceless.. lol im such a ditz.. haha! *muah*

Dominic Caza* Hey brother.. lovs ya lots.. we have some good mems along the time that we have known each other.. lol.. can't even think.. you being my brother was pretty funny.. lol..*muah*

Tim Durdle* Haha Hey pooball! lol lotsa fun talkin on the phone.. haha can't wait to meet ya if i do! 

Josh Durdle n Pelv* Hahah some good times talkin when amy was here eh? lol Josh thanks for callin Luke for me.. yer a real sweetheart.. hope to meet ya someday!!* muah *

Robyn Whitwham* HAHAH the mall was soo fun! EAT MY CHICKEN!! hahaha oh my gawd..Hey little-naddy.. WE WANNA TAKE A PIC!! haha omg she did look like her some lot tho! shopping angels.. haha that was a great pose.. and then my moody monage in Le Chateau! bwahahaha remember.. the flat head man..=| that was weird! it was soo... FLAT! haha lov ya Rob..*Muah*

Nicole Cruickshanks.Aka.Nola* terry fox.. and his stick leg.. and Haleys song.. hahahah that was great.. Dedutchku.. hahah i dont know who to spell it.. haha what is it Prabeligic day?! HAHAHA! gotta mark it on my calender next year! hahahah oh man.. Jelly Beans + Brussel Sprouts = LOVE! Haha ppl.. don't even ask.. lets just say i was obsessed with Brandon ok? lol lov ya Nolz! *Muah*

Haley Williamson* Stick Leg!! hahahahaha that was the funniest song ever! lol.. and then mme. was saying somethin about a project and u go.."HUMP!" haha!! oh man Halz yer funny.. lol! ttyl gurlie! *Muah*

Dee Siggens n Jill Lantz* Lovs ya gurls lots.. we DEFINITLY gotta hang more haha Jill.. lets go anorexic on her ass and puke all over her!! remember at the rink when i was tapin my eyelids.. AHA looooser! ..=>

Ben McDonald* hay ben, Codey is sooo funny in class. so is drew.. AUNT DAN!?..Don't reall have any other mems with you.. love ya hunni!!* Muah*

Codey Barnett* Bearded clam.. her name is Clammy and she likes to talk OK? lol.. me wrappin my leg around yours cause i thought it was the table leg.. lol sorry about that hun! haha AUNT DAN?!  haha ohhh hell xox!*

Drew Gaskell*  OMG DREW... remember the lake.. and dal dropped her friggin bottoms and i gave her mine and walked home with sand in unwanted places! hahah then u came to my house after and we talked to my mom for like.. 2 hours straight! that was fun.. gotta do it again! haha BERTHHAA in the house.. lol taylor and his triangular head..eww.. lol.. AUNT DAN!? that was classic! lol lovs ya hunni!*muah*

 Cory Coolen*  Cory, you mean SOOOO much to me.. your my best guy friend and i don't know where i would be without you.. you're there if i need to be reassured of anything and i just love you SO much.. thanks for bein there cory.. Love you*muah*

Kayla Eveleigh* You have made SUCH a difference in my life! ever since i met you, you were soo nice! and if i ever need to talk to someone i know your here! thanks so much kayla.. love you..KAAYYLLAA + JJEESSSS = BestBuddssForrLiffee*!

Others* Karalee Oliver ,Deanna MacDonald, Lindzie Wilcox, Robert Manteuffel, Alyssa Robertson, Christy Royle, Jenn Pulsifer, Jan, Kels Murphy, Katie McGarrigle, Kyla Martin, Janna Wilton, Laura Price, Jordan Samson ,Sam Fleckney, Naddy Bobbitt, Chel McFarlane, Glen Theriault, Cam Stoddard, Mank aka.Stephen Blackwood, Keane Wheeler, Grant 'scruffball' Chisholm, Grant Bateman, Cory Maas, Nolan donthardlyknowyou, Jef Champion,Jeff Macintosh, Matthew Parsons, Cody Mood, Sam Hill,Sam White, Holly Rudden, Devin Churchill, Lee Robertson, Ronnie MacMillan, Scott Boutilier, Daniel Fredericks, Justin Short, Justin Roper, Craig Sinyerd, Curtis Whiley, Nathan Weldon, Jon Bonin, Leah Fassat, Lynsey Hotchkiss, Karen Matthews, Landa Luka, Brina Colbourne, Amanda Mcmullin,Rachael Harada,Katlyn Langille,Chelsey Pipes, Blair Parsons, Brad Hancott , Justin Logan , Vicki Squires, Lindsay TAylor, Samantha Sabean, Vanessa Taylor, Andrew Healy , Cora-Lynn Jollymore, Megan Thain, Nikyra Clark , Stacey Thomas , Cole Muise , Kyle Jacquard & Sarah Casey*

*SOO Sorry if i forgot you ..If ya Notice.. Tell moi!*

are amy,ally & jess best friends? YES THEY ARE!*