PoEmS < - -*

AbOuT mOi


pIcTuReS .. 2

PiCtUrEs .. 3

pIcTuReS .. 4

PiCtUreS .. 5






FoR cOuRt ..

PiCs Of MeE

SoMe PoEmS

Do You like POEMS .. hehe i like writing them! lol
L-O-S-E-R! Ok.. First Poem *ahem* :


       My Friends *                           
You guys were there
when i needed you most
i dont kno what i wud do
without u both
we've had so many laughs
and lots of trips to the mall
you've been the shoulder i cry on
you've caught me when i'd fall
I never knew I could be so happy
with friends such as you
just wanna tell ya girls
I Love You : ))


For Tim (SUPER OLD) *

You said sorry

I said what for?

you said, cause jess ..

I like Another Girl

You think you said it right

when you put it to an end

you obviosly didnt notice

the tear that dropped into my hand

I often think about you

and all the thingss you've said

I thought your love would always be true

  I want these feelings out of my head.


     My Mother :o)*

she holds me close when i cry
I tell her all the things that go on in my life
she cares, i can feel it in her embrace
i feel better with one look into her face
we fight sometimes
and i want her to be gone
but without her , my moon wont be blue and my sun wont shine
If i need help i know where she'll be
waiting .. to help me
I Love her so much and i hope she knows
I'll follow her direction .. no matter where the path goes.

          Ok.. i know im being booooring.. but stop reading then! :o|


If you Want your Poems to be on this gay ass page .. you can tell moi :)

Other ppls Poems*

Yes , i only have one Poem.. and thats Dal*s and i LOVE it .. haha! remember if you want yours here... send them bitchess!


New Poem for Erik* Dalyce Hazelwood

My Life, My love, My whole wide world,
You made me feel like the luckiest girl.
Amazing times, I'll never forget,
I knew I loved you when we first met.
But now it's over, you broke my heart,
and tore my whole world all apart.
At night I cry mtself to sleep,
I guess i just got in too deep.
I wanna forget all about you,
but that's just something I'll never do.
I miss you, I know I always will,
I didn't expect how much this would kill.
I love you so much, you don't understand,
I hate this pain so hard I can't stand.
Just never forget how much you mean to me

I love and miss you, I wish you could see.

awww .. thats such a sin .. LOVE YOU DALYCE!

NoW tHaTs A gOoD pOeM.. hah!